Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
Unidad Xochimilco.
Tronco Divisional Ciencias Biológicas y de
Grupo BB20. (Trimestre 09I).
Profesora: Ma. Cristina Sánchez Martínez.
Identificación y aislamiento de Streptococcus sp en la cavidad oral de alumnos del grupo BB20 de
Enciso Bautista Olivia.
Guzmán Edith
Melo Hernández Karen.
Sanchez Garcia Esmeralda.
Sotelo Bautista Karol.
México D.F., marzo de 2009.
La cavidad oral puede ser considerada como un conjunto de ecosistemas en los que existen diferentes microorganismos relacionados entre si. Se trata de un espacio que se encuentra abierto, en constante dinamismo. Es un hábitat heterogéneo y complejo. Las principales enfermedades de dicha cavidad están íntimamente relacionadas con dichos microorganismos, en especial, los Streptococcus, que son los que constituyen el grupo más numeroso y han sido señalados como los principales causantes de caries. El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo aislar e identificar el Streptococcus sp en la cavidad bucal de alumnos del grupo BB20 del trimestre 09I de
Palabras clave: Cavidad oral, Streptococcus sp, microbiota oral, mucosa yugal.
The oral cavity can be considered as a whole ecosystem in which different microorganisms linked. This is an area that is open in constant dynamism. It is a complex and heterogeneous habitat. The main diseases of this cavity are closely related to these microorganisms, particularly Streptococcus, who constitute the largest group and have been identified as the main cause of cavities. This work aimed to isolate and identify the Streptococcus sp in the oral cavity of students in the group BB20 quarter 09I of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco. The study was conducted on 10 people selected to which the samples were taken from the buccal mucosa (inner cheek) using a sterile swab and then streaked on blood agar and McConkey agar. We
Observed a significant growth of Streptococcus in all samples, as well as other bacteria such as Staphylococcus in 70%, Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli. The identification of microorganisms was carried out by Gram staining, catalase test, and microscopic observation. Our goal was met, isolate Streptococcus in the oral cavity, other microorganisms were also mentioned. In the oral cavity there are different niches with different combination of microorganisms, which are important in health status and health of the individual.
Keywords: oral cavity, Streptococcus sp, microbiota oral, buccal mucosa.